One of the YouTube reviewer even said that this retractable kabuki is the best brush CHANEL even made. Considering CHANEL normally makes expensive but not the best makeup brushes. But this one is actually better than Chikuhobo竹宝堂 or SUQQU.展开全文
【@STAYREAL_CN X Doraemon】限量版『STAYREAL哆啦云朵T』4/26起开售啦!戴上竹蜻蜓乘风出发,享受随风私语的秘密、感受窜入云朵的惊喜;一路直上云端,哆啦A梦与你的白日梦一同轻盈徜徉。P.S.购买此款T还能换购『STAYREAL X 哆啦A梦可爱小物包』哦~数量有限,兑完即止。>>>地址:新天地时尚B1
日本的silk labo不是已经推出了迎合女性观众的专属爱情动作片了嘛//@阿片片片片: 金瓶梅1当喜剧不错的…… //@内衣君: 啊拉啊拉~我喜欢动漫哦。推荐经典的夜勤病栋你懂的//@lordsavesG: 我好欣赏和羡慕原po的直率@绿叶_小草 而我就feel like a rat in the trap...展开全文 原微博