小主人长大了,宠物却变老了。主人与萌宠的今昔对比照萌翻网络。大家纷纷感叹宠物不能陪伴自己一生。These before-and-after photos, posted online, capture the growth of some cute pets. The time spans range from just a few months to many years.展开全文
【神秘透明生物粗现请注意】A fisherman from New Zealand was left baffled when he caught this see-through shrimp-like creature. 新西兰一位渔民捕捉到这只像虾一样的透明生物时惊呆啦!它是如此透明、如此神秘!而且它有一个高大上的名字:樽海鞘。小编只想问:可以吃吗查看全文>>展开全文
#NDI学员活动# 11月24日在西安名流校区举办了“心怀感恩”的主题活动,全员积极参与,共同感恩所拥有的一切并学会珍惜。活动在外教JESSE分享感恩节由来和传统中开始,随后派发感恩卡片并指导学员用英语填写卡片,达到学以致用;大家一起玩了英语互动游戏who is the spy?http://t.cn/8kUsRHE查看全文>>展开全文
斯诺登10月9日现身莫斯科 获颁“萨姆·亚当斯奖”称在俄适应新环境Four former U.S. government officials who met with former National Security Agency systems analyst Edward Snowden said Thursday that he is adjusting to life in Russia.🔗 网页链接展开全文
【“死亡手表” 你敢带吗?】Would you want to know when you'll die? 瑞典科学家Fredrik Colting 日前发明了一种死亡手表Tikker,特殊之处在于会显示你剩余的生命时间。 使用者需填写疾病史的调查问卷,手表会据此推算出剩余时间,然后就开始死亡倒计时了展开全文
#美版流星花园# 美国WillKinn Media公司将翻拍日本少女漫画《流星花园》,角色已选定,于11月开播。Riley Rae Baker as Zoey杉菜;Joseph Almani as Liam Montgomery道明寺;Trenton Culkin as Rui Hanazawa花泽类;Napoleon Tavale as Chase Carlton西门;Jason S. Mordeno as Noah McCallster美作。展开全文
#NDI微英语#【托福习语】pain in the neck 极讨厌的人或物; plain sailing 一帆风顺,轻而易举之事;side money 外快;sixth sense 第六感;slowly but surely 稳扎稳打;speak the same language志同道合;spill the beans 说漏嘴;stand on one's own feet 独立自主;Sunday dress 最好的衣服展开全文
#台风菲特#登陆以来,暴雨持续倾泻,浙江余姚遭遇新中国成立以来最严重水灾。灾情持续,#余姚告急#!为余姚祈祷! In Zhejiang, Yuyao was one of the hardest hit. More than 70 percent of the city's downtown area was flooded, forcing public transportation to be suspended.
#早安# Try to find the things in life that excite you, and then go after them. Make life one exciting adventure after another (with perhaps some quiet times in between).寻找生活中能让你兴奋的事情,然后就去做吧。让生活变成一件接一件的冒险。(不过中间应该留一些安静的时光。)
【孙俪凭借《甄嬛传》获第41届国际艾美奖最佳女主角提名】Chinese actress Sun Li @turbosun recently was nominated for an International Emmy in the Best Actress category for her role in the television drama The Back Palace: Legend of Zhen Huan.恭喜凉凉[good][good][good]
【常用口语】1. Hard to tell. 很难说。2. Quit that thought. 想都别想。 3. You never know. 世事难料。4. Just let it go.别纠结了。5. Keep it down. 小声一点。6. We are even. 我们扯平了。7. Don't fool me. 别骗我。8. You're thick-skinned.你脸皮真厚。9. What for? 这是干嘛?展开全文