#书摘#Censorship captures the imagination, but the process of creation might be even more destructive. The history of China, like the history of any great culture, was written at the expense of other stories that have remained silent.——Peter Hessler, “Oracle Bones”展开全文 原微博
承接前文:Larry Van Pelt一开始画这些插画http://t.cn/zlEafIg,没打算开耶稣玩笑,他是虔诚基督徒,所有插图原本只有一句话即“永远与你同在”(With you always)。但是因为这些图片实在太好吐槽,所以引发无数二次创作,俗称Jesus is a Jerk、Jesus is a Dick、Asshole Jesus、Annoying Jesus等。展开全文