I realize I'm the ONLY SINGLE in my circle. Hanging out with @allisonzhao all day finally triggered her BF ask me:"R U gay?" "No, I'm just a professional 3rd wheel." That's right! Guess @没事儿找茬儿 and @OzzyXu feel the same way too. Sorry guys, I didn't mean that.展开全文 原微博
走在路上一个老黑突然伸手拉我,吓得我尖叫:"What r u doing!" "I wanna talk with you." "Put ur fucking hands away from me! U wanna talk? U want me to help u call the police?"然后我赶快走了,他在后面骂骂咧咧,我实在生气转身大喊:"Go and fuck yourself, u sick freak!" 太解气了!展开全文 原微博