my friends were told me today is a big day for me. absolutly right. woke up at 6:00am, working until maybe 2pm. go home, take a shower n pack my luggage. say goodbye to my friend. spend 3hrs in the bus. say hello to akl. come home. make sure tomorrow's timetable. sleep end.展开全文
但唯一覺得該死的,就是我的手機電量ran out,拍不了照片,而且今天的天氣不是很好.所以Dennis買了明信片給我,讓我給爹媽寄明信片,讓他們看看我去哪兒玩了.我晚點就寄出去啊.今天自駕了6個小時之後,我發現:NZ眞的需要車.而且奔跑在馬路上已經不稀奇了.@lylan_蘭@--喵喵喵--- this is what I did today!展开全文