#星夢傳奇# first of all,都是養眼的。可一唱歌就哭笑不得,專注和努力的樣子讓人不忍怪責。果然鄭俊弘是其中唱得最好的,但聲音太單薄。羅鈞滿瞎搞,歌都不熟。袁偉豪有型,聲音好聽唱功OK,但斷句+沒有感情。梁烈唯講話聲音很好聽,唱歌太普通。張景淳很認真。女生NO COMMENT。🔗 网页链接展开全文
#Blow# a touching movie.Deep impressed by the aside.Beautiful words. So sad I'm not the only thing in anyone's life and I don't have anyone's promise.It's not up to you all the time in life. So we should have good inside and aware of the outside. Betrayal is a heartbreak.展开全文