在instagram上關注了很久,得知新書今天上架,於是跑去書店買了這本介紹一只名叫こむぎ(comugi)的貓咪的故事!原來他有過一段與死神勇敢抗爭的經歷,被感動到了。[悲伤] 原微博 徐晋Jinnnnn
以後想跟你養很多可愛的狗狗@kamiiikam 我在:学前路新街 原微博 Jin爱跳舞
good game team Japan!! congrats and hope you'd be able to go even further this time! sigh... when would China make it to the World Cup next time? totally unpredictable... lol should probably change my master thesis topic: Why China's soccer sucks so bad? 展开全文原微博 Jin爱跳舞
@MissM_英国代购 帮老同宣传下,请大家多多关注 原微博