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4/24.民族节放假,假期的太阳真好晒。昨晚上松桂地区篮球赛,三庄第一场主场作战,46-42险胜龙勤队!跑完整场40分钟,下一场要对阵强敌松小队了,感觉有龙天马在场,我们真心没机会阿。@吴爽TFC @TFCwangyongqiang 原微博 张小新TFC
“China is the next superpower? Wake me when urban tap water is drinkable, when an ambulance will come when called and can make it through traffic, and when there's transparency in government, law, the finance sector, to say nothing of a civil society, environmental protections.. 展开全文原微博