Somewhere over the rainbow, way up high...there's a land that I've heard once in a lullaby.... somewhere over the rainbow, skies are blue, and the dreams that you dare to dream really do come true...
#BEATDUKE# UVA defeat Duke tonight! Go Wahoowa!! Sorry Coach K, sorry my friends...@小胡子蓝魔 @PaPa_Yi @yuanyinchen @罗宾和一琳 亲,今晚你属于哪一边?@北京夏天_Jolyen
@杰希卡卡 @鬼鬼e学院 @海底漫步海底漫步 Nope never mind, I am 30 and I will never catch up with the "不明觉厉" 20 year olds' fad.
终于从温暖灿烂的旧金山回到了阴雨连绵的波特兰。在湾区与好朋友们一起过了第三个在海外春节。不知道未来还有几个这样的春节,还会有谁陪在身边。这个春节,有你们陪着真好!过去的一年,我们结伴而行,贯穿了美国的东西和南北,新的一年,我们继续并肩战斗吧!@杰希卡卡 @OMBJ @毕力格格巫