澳洲在走下坡//@铁人老贝: $6 to cut a key,$50 per kg coffee beans,underage kids drinking at bus stops,hoons in parking lot,punks throwing garbage bag...
Residing in Balwyn over a month now,leafy and friendly suburb indeed.with 20 plus percent surcharge for everything though.And local twats vandalising public facilities is no better than any s*holes in Victoria.
【如果你发现在你家的门上被做有如下记号一定不要忽视】,这是小偷团伙踩点做下的记号!呼吁转发! 1、“+ -”:家里白天有人,晚上没人;符号倒过来,就是晚上有人,白天没人; 2、“⊙”:单身或租户; 3、“...”:家庭成员三个人; 4、“√”:已进入过; 5、“☆”:目标; 6、“×”非目标