就是加强词汇、熟练语法嘛~//@张培老师: 回复@1115_: 如果单词都能看懂的话,那就是搭配问题或者是句式结构的问题, 应该在这两方面下功夫 //@1115_: 老师你好 我想问一下 有时候看外刊这些例句的时候 单个词基本都能认识 就是翻译不顺畅 该怎么解决呢? 考研备考中。 【外刊例句】President Barack Obama may want to reconsider his pledge to gift $20,000 of his 2013 salary to the U.S. Treasury. Tax returns for the first family, released on Friday, show a steady decline in the president's income. 展开全文转发 1评论 0 原微博