硅谷有一个理论:Improve your strengths, not your faults(http://t.cn/zRJ37VA)坦白说,这些年一直在做相反的事,每天都专注于弥补不足,争取全面发展营养均衡。今天和DU的学员们一起冥想,发现能想到自己的很多弱点,却想不到自己的强项究竟是什么。如果你愿意和我分享,请留言或私信。谢谢。展开全文 原微博
Don't search for the answers, which couldn't be given to you now because you wouldn't be able to live them. Live the questions now. Perhaps then, someday in the future, you will gradually, without even noticing it, live your way into the answer. 漫画链接: 🔗 网页链接展开全文
Airbnb卖麦片的创业故事: We made 500 of each (Obama O's and Cap'n McCains). They were sold for $40 each. The Obama O's sold out, netting the funds we needed to keep Airbnb alive. The Cap'n McCains...they didn't sell quite as well, and we ended up eating them to save money on food.展开全文
Time to attack the comfort zone with a plan. More preparation. More detailed scheduling. More incentive devices. Oh, and less late night latte. Duh.展开全文 原微博