··可惜他挂了···@璇菇凉- ···比较美的MV···//@kiss_the_rain_猫: 里头有真崎航啊//@kiss_the_rain_猫: //@Kai-小嘉-: 好久没看日剧了,我要看!! //@V_5ive_V: 好爱的一支MV//@Ztorn: //@intomasa: How beautiful u r and how sadly we r. 展开全文原微博 天生励志的丶椰子大人丶
Where there is desire there is gonna be a flame,Where there is a flame someone's bound to get burned ut just because it burns,doesn't mean you're gonna die You gotta get up nd try ver worried that it might be ruined And does it make you wanna cry Tell me are you just getting by 展开全文原微博