//@GlobalTimes: "It's not only the boy, there are other tourists that leave graffiti on relics. But as the person is a minor, more protection and education should be given to him rather than criticism." 🔗 网页链接 #丁锦昊# 展开全文Teenage Nile relic vandal hunted down(埃及古神庙刻字游客被人肉搜索);A photo posted online by a Weibo user named "Kongyouwuyi" shows several Chinese characters crookedly written on delicate sandstone on the east bank of the Nile River in Egypt. 🔗 网页链接 转发 1评论 0 原微博 winter_is_coming_ruc
//@niko鞠耀泽: 有的时候编译稿也挺重要的不是。。//@头条新闻: 转发微博。 【外媒称李克强否决发改委城镇化草案】据路透报道,接近中国政府人士称,发改委40万亿城镇化草案夭折,因为高层担心再次大规模支出可能推升地方债务和加剧房地产泡沫。政府智库经济学家称:“城镇化计划可能推迟。高层已经发现,若城镇化不能按正确道路进行,将出现潜在风险。”🔗 网页链接 转发 1评论 0 原微博 夏小左_ruc
原来这个@老李头06 是亲爱的李爷爷,我都不知道!!! @小潘_Tina @又又马冀 @Snail_LL 原微博 夏小左_ruc
对@xiazhiweizhi07 说:我是冬姐~ 原微博