I know that you will never leave me LORD, as I am the one who is always turning away from you. Please teach me how to walk in your way and to love you more. In Jesus name, I pray. Amen. @趙希洛Candice@yannes何恩欣@謝文雅Casey@梁雨恩展开全文
Know the purpose of life. Don't waste any time on regreting. Ask for God's forgiveness and keep fighting, keep hoping, keep believing and keep loving. Every minute is a chance to start doing these things! Don't let this minute fly away! Add oil! Huggss!! @陳明恩Corinna@关心妍展开全文
HOLD ON and MOVE ON! Trust that He have planned everything the very best way, and all you have to do is have faith. Sometimes, it is hard to leave behind, but take those memories and those lessons you've learnt and move on to things even greater on the path of life!展开全文
Learn to forgive. Know that I do not deserve any more love from God than anyone else. We do not deserve His love but while we were still sinners, Christ died for us. Follow Christ and be like Him, learn to forgive not forget, cancel the debt, out of love. @王君馨GraceWong展开全文
Just believe and trust!! It might take time and patience, but keep grabbing onto God and He will show you the wonderful results and the valuable lessons you have learnt on the way! @王君馨GraceWong@廖碧兒Bernice@Joyce鄭欣宜@鄭融Steph@李亞男LL展开全文
Do not live up to the world's expectation of a christian just because you are one. Instead, be filled with God's love and be of your true self in His presence. And then, our Papa God in the heaven will do His work! Lord, You deserve all praise and glory! @趙希洛Candice展开全文
太7:7 你們祈求、就給你們.尋找、就尋見.叩門、就給你們開門。 Ask, seek and knock for His will, he will surely give you more than expected. He is the one who knows what's best for us. Trust his will, and we shall find and goodness in whatever problems we're facing. @陳明恩Corinna展开全文
Add oil guys! Support! May God continue to comfort and lead you through every step! Don't let these things crush your faith instead be a blessing to others! Be the best of urself in the presence of God! @王君馨GraceWong@黃翠如fishwong@陳明恩Corinna@Mag林欣彤@李璧琦Becky展开全文
Dear Lord, reveal any areas of disobedience in my life that I might be ignoring and please continue to work with me until I am conpletely what you want me to be Amen! DARE TO BE DIFFERENT FOR JESUS! @王君馨GraceWong@趙希洛Candice@岑麗香香Eliza@陳明恩Corinna@廖碧兒Bernice展开全文
Smile, it makes you look better. Be joyful! Pray, it keeps you strong because HE is strong. Love, it will make you enjoy life more, the treasurable life which HE gave you and was made to be fulfilling. Amen. @陈敏之@陈美诗@陳明恩Corinna@黃翠如fishwong@Joyce鄭欣宜展开全文
我在這幾天,常常跟一個令我覺得一時很幽默,一時很討厭的人一起,真令我很容易發怒,有時候真的控制不了。感謝神剛剛提醒我不要輕易發怒,倒要包容,原諒她。的確很難,但靠著上帝凡事都能!我們更加要不斷為身邊的同路人默默禱告Thank you God!Amen! @benjamin袁伟豪@岑麗香香Eliza@陈美诗@陈敏之展开全文
Father, thank you for filling our lives with your wonderful works!! May the Holy Spirit help each of us to cherish everyday of our lives to shine for God and keep close to Him! Keep going forward! Ooosh ooohh! @王君馨GraceWong@Linda鍾嘉欣@鄧萃雯@陳法蓉@李亞男LL展开全文
LORD, I thank You for teaching me to treasure every moment I have, to trust in You and not be afraid to love others, not be afraid to be the light and salt of this world, not be afraid to glorify You and tell people that You are my salvation. @王君馨GraceWong@岑麗香香Eliza展开全文 原微博