UVA今年第一场FOOTBALL GAME!对阵BYU,第四节最后2分钟touchdown绝地反击!We won!现场气氛爽爆,停车场爆满,911巡逻车和飞机可以有,沿路草坪上满是帐篷,各种全家人从外州开车来看比赛…简直热血沸腾!!中间暴雨暂停比赛,晚上重新开放照样爆满。This is UVA! Go Hoos!!
UVA今年第一场FOOTBALL GAME!对阵BYU,第四节最后2分钟touchdown绝地反击!We won!现场气氛爽爆,停车场爆满,911巡逻车和飞机可以有,沿路草坪上满是帐篷,各种全家人从外州开车来看比赛…简直热血沸腾!!中间暴雨暂停比赛,晚上重新开放照样爆满。This is UVA! Go Hoos!! 展开全文
"Good luck, take care, be safe. Call me, text me or email me anytime if you need me in the States." Still missing yesterday, I appreciate all you taught me, enlightened me, and gave to me in the past year. Hug and say goodbye... Eric, wish you all the best. 展开全文
People who stay in comfort zones enjoy homeostasis which cannot be defined as a negative word, but often some breakthrough is needed. Prepare for the "FIGHT" in UVA!!! Go Cavaliers!!!展开全文