#趣味英语# a dog in the manger 出自《伊索寓言》(Aesop's Fables),说的是一头狗躺在堆满稻草的马槽里,当马或牛一走近稻草时,就朝着马,牛狂哮,不准他们吃草。后来,“狗站马槽”就成了一个家喻户晓的成语而进入英语中(接下条) #Nikky's Englishland# 展开全文原微博 冬至nikky
#趣味英语# 这个短语常用来比喻a person who prevents others from enjoying sth that is useless to himself; a churlish fellow who will neither use a thing himself nor let others use it,讽刺那些占据要职或某些物质却不做事的人(接上条) #Nikky's Englishland# 展开全文原微博 冬至nikky
#口语天天练# change off:轮流 e.g. We can change off on the night shift every 6 month. 我们可以每六个月交换一次(值)夜班 #Nikky's Englishland# 原微博 冬至nikky
#口语天天练# for a change:为了换换……,为了改变…… e.g. The Smiths are moving to Montana for a change of scenery. Smith一家为了改变一下环境,正把家搬到蒙大拿洲去 #Nikky's Englishland# 展开全文原微博 冬至nikky
#口语天天练# car pool:汽车合用 e.g. Would you like to join our car pool? 你愿意加入我们的“汽车合伙”(指为了解决路上交通及停车难,几个有汽车的人安排好轮流合用他们的汽车来上下班等)吗?#Nikky39;s Englishland# 展开全文原微博 冬至nikky
#口语天天练# carry the ball:负责任,带头 e.g. Mr. Smith likes to carry the ball. Smith先生喜欢事事(都由自己)领头 #Nikky's Englishland# 原微博 冬至nikky
#口语天天练# back-door:秘密的 e.g. This has got to be back-door censorship. 这要被秘密审察的 #Nikky's Englishland# 原微博 冬至nikky
#口语天天练# change the subjects: 转移话题 e.g. Andrew, don't change the subjects. Andrew, 不许换话题 #Nikky's Englishland# 原微博 冬至nikky
#口语天天练# step back: 退后 hafta=have to: 必须 e.g. I’m gonna hafta ask you to step back now. 我必须警告你立刻回到车上。#Nikky's Englishland# 原微博