由零或一去到亂碼狀態! 最終還原基本步其實好可惜, 不過如果唔係雙向就根本無意義!其實到底係咩問題?可能day1就要搵到答案先繼續吧?我以為可因為在乎因為尊重所以能last for a life time, 係我天真?也許我係外星人tvbuddy既好朋友所以唔識玩依個遊戲,又或許時間經已來到?depressing but fact?展开全文 原微博
this is the only hand sketch we've done as a group, it was done on a horrific day in april when i decided to just sit on the floor and procrastinate durin a tutorial. i paused just now to c rather i annotated the drawing studio or stupid - another drawing that would make me smile展开全文