"It's impossible."said pride. "It's risky." said experience. "It's pointless." said reason. "Give it a try.” whispered the heart. “面子”提醒你不要挑战极限以免丢人;“经验"告诉你犯事儿不能冲动地冒险;“理性”劝诫你不要徒劳做毫无意义的事,只有你的内心会轻声鼓励你尽管放马去尝试。展开全文
Tonight in YY Channel 8616 at 7pm we'll look at some of the most famous TV shows in the West, what they are, why they are so famous and why you should probably be watching them if you want to learn Western Culture. This class we'll look at Simpsons and South Park. See you there!