@MademoiselleC @克里斯托_晶仔 @_leilei_ @晨亦是朵恩 @杰小西杰小西 原微博 乖乖若涵
假期完成一本近700页的书,Jung Chang 张戎的wild swans,100年,三代中国女性的命运. Jung Chang 现居英国诺丁山,90年代初写完这本书,在西方销售千万册,这本书填补很多我个人对50年代到70年代的很多困惑。亲身经历者,开始内省,独立思考,娓娓道来,公正并尽可能的叙述那部分无人愿意提及的时代。 展开全文原微博 乖乖若涵
It's something you'd think only the crassest of Hollywood producers would come up with -- injecting sex appeal into an event as ghastly at the Nanjing massacre. But that's an element central to The Flowers of War, a contrived and unpersuasive look at an oft-dramatized historical 展开全文原微博