都是去讨好老师的[哈哈][哈哈]//@触碰心灵的台词: 中枪的默默转发~[偷乐] 原微博 东方碧辉
The relation between A and b like bee and honey. //@新闻英语: infatuated / ɪnˋfætʃʊetɪd/ adj ~ (with/by sb/sth) (usu derog 通常作贬义) (temporarily) filled with an intense but usu foolish love It's no use talking to him: he's completely infatuated. 展开全文Bo Xilai tells the court that Wang Lijun was infatuated with (暗恋) Bogu Kailai and they were stuck together like white on rice (如胶似漆). 转发 1评论 0 原微博 东方碧辉
//@芭蕉亲禾: 反对洋信访!跨国信访是违法犯罪行为! 原微博 东方碧辉
四处漂香的小吃,按捺不住的味蕾,掺和古街散漫的灯光,日子忽然变得有姿有味起来。@北海偏南 @nani1988 @东海边逗你玩的海边渔夫 @太美集团陈婷 原微博