【姚明夫妇参加少年成长真人秀节目 周六晚首播】Former NBA star Yao Ming and his wife, Ye Li, will feature in a forthcoming reality TV show that will challenge teenagers to team races. The show will make its debut on Saturday on the Dragon TV channel. 🔗 网页链接展开全文
【13号线三期年内开工 2017年底有望建成试通车】Construction work on the third phase of Metro Line 13 will start this year after getting environmental clearance. Work is expected to be completed by 2017. 🔗 网页链接展开全文
【200余家“爱心暑托班”将缓解小学生暑期看护难】As many as 221 day care centers will be set up during the summer vacation in the city to look after primary school students who are left alone as their parents are away at work. 🔗 网页链接展开全文
【谷歌发布首款无人驾驶汽车[汽车]】Google will build a car without a steering wheel. It doesn’t need one because it drives itself. The two-seater won’t be sold publicly, but Google said it hopes by this time next year, 100 prototypes will be on public roads. 🔗 网页链接展开全文
【央视称已引进《生活大爆炸》 节目正在译制中】State broadcaster CCTV said yesterday it had acquired the exclusive broadcasting rights for “The Big Bang Theory,” one of four US TV shows banned from online Chinese video sites at the weekend. 🔗 网页链接展开全文
【16对上海夫妇在希腊举行集体婚礼】A total of 16 newly married couples from Shanghai traveled to the Greek island of Crete to take part in a mass wedding ceremony in ancient port city of Chania, which was attended by local guests in traditional Cretan dress. 🔗 网页链接展开全文
【上海出入境便民新策 护照港澳台通行证申请三表合一】The Shanghai Exit & Entry Administration Bureau yesterday announced a series of measures to make it easier for people to arrange travel documents for Hong Kong, Macau and Taiwan, or apply for a passport. 🔗 网页链接展开全文
【上海质监:6批次塑胶手机壳套检出增塑剂】Be wary of your plastic cell phone covers which have been found to contain hazardous toxic plasticizers, the city’s quality watchdog said yesterday. 🔗 网页链接展开全文
【最放松的工作:浴缸体验员 年薪6000英镑】Company looks for a laid-back person to test bathtubs 英国最大专业浴室零售连锁店Bathstore登广告招募一位浴缸体验员,帮助测试一系列产品。目前已经有50余人提交求职申请,希望能获得这份最好最放松的工作。这份工作合同期一年,年薪6000英镑。展开全文
【沙特王储砸1.8亿包下马尔代夫度假村赶走游客】近日,沙特阿拉伯王储萨尔曼砸1800万英镑包下马尔代夫三个小岛的五星级度假村,租期长达一个月。为招呼土豪级客人,度假村集团不惜取消其他所有游客预约,让许多游客感到不满。Tourists furious as Saudi prince 'books three entire Maldives resorts'展开全文
【那不勒斯珍宝登陆罗马】Treasure of San Gennaro on display 那不勒斯主保圣人圣亚努阿里乌斯的珠宝在罗马夏拉宫展出,被誉为世上最为珍贵的珠宝之一的圣亚努阿里乌斯的项链和由银质和宝石制成的主教法冠是此次展览的两大亮点。这是这批珍宝首次在那不勒斯以外地方大规模展出。🔗 网页链接展开全文
【一名中国游客在尼泊尔因飞机失事不幸逝世】据新华社消息,一架轻型飞机今天上午在飞越博卡拉附近景点时不幸坠毁,机上的中国游客和飞行员均未能逃生。失事原因还在调查中,但当地警方怀疑与天气突变有关。 Chinese tourist dead in ultralight aircraft crash in Nepal 🔗 网页链接展开全文 原微博