经济学人亚洲版主编临去秋波写的一篇对中国经济的看法,其一针见血,值得看中国如坠五里雾的所有人用心读读。《On cloud nine trillion 沉醉于九兆元经济》Our Asia economics editor takes his leave, less worried than many of his peers about the frailties and paradoxes of China’s economy。展开全文
经济学人财经版谈中国「Asset-management companies in China」Lipstick on a pig 猪搽口红。China is still dealing with the mess left by previous bank bail-outs中国仍需为以往银行遗留下的坏账而努力。信达与华融为什么要上市?坏帐的遽升让政府担忧下一次金融风暴,不得不再以毒丸计划融新资。展开全文
经济学人谈中国「Women and the property market女性与房产」Married to the mortgage嫁给按揭 Are high house prices hurting women more than man?高房价真的只对女人不利? In China, macho posturing is another bubble that has yet to burst 男人的假性自尊将是伴随高房价下的一个待破的泡沫。展开全文
经济学人封面「Abe's master plan安倍的蓝图大计」Shinzo Abe has a vision of a prosperous and patriotic Japan. The economics looks better than the nationalism一个经济繁荣的日本绝对优于只充斥民族主义色彩。参议院选后,正确做法是集中拼经济,而非 to end up in a needless war with China。展开全文