However hard the road I choose is, I ain't gonna give up. Where there is a dream, there is sacrifice. I am fully aware of this fact.
【特蕾莎修女的诗】特蕾莎修女(Mother Teresa of Calcutta)是世界著名的天主教慈善工作者,为印度的穷人提供接济救治,并提供临终关怀。因其一生奉献给解除贫困,于1979年得到诺贝尔和平奖。看了一首特蕾莎修女写的诗很有感触,分享一首给大家。
我写了一篇关于写作的日志在豆瓣里。。。但是网太垃圾link弄不出来。。。诸位有兴趣看看点评@zzZ-lover @Allen火力全开怒刷托福SAT @happy很高兴 由于最近读了prince风格有点正式。。。
I am the king on this seat. Fuck this shit, gimme a cup for pouring, play a round a beer ping. Pong! Somebody just fell down! Was it me? No, bitch! What r ya talking about? I am sober man I can still do jump shot! Wait what?